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Living costs for a student in Germany Part 1

Wherever you study in Germany, it's important to be aware of the living costs and associated study fees before you apply. The good news is that the cost of living in Germany for students is very reasonable, especially given the quality of education on offer. Also, student living expenses in Germany are far less than in France, the UK or Italy.

University tuition fees
In Germany, there are no tuition fees for Bachelor's courses at public universities. This is because the government heavily subsidizes higher education. Degree courses are available in German and, in some cases, English, too. Around 5% of the student population attends a private university, but here, tuition fees will be payable.

How much does it cost to get a degree abroad in Germany?
Because there are no tuition fees in Germany, you can attain a degree for a lot less money than elsewhere. There are still other costs you need to pay for such as rent, semester fees, bills, and food, which usually comes to around €850 - €1,000 a month.

Which universities in Germany are free?
One common misconception is that university is free for nationals but that German tuition fees for international students are payable. However, the German government subsidizes education for international students as well as national ones, which means that provided your application is accepted, you won’t need to pay any tuition fees.

How do I apply to study in Germany for free?
Because there are no tuition fees at public German universities, you can just apply for a course in the normal way, and you do not need to make any special application to study for free. In some cases, you will have to pay to study a Master's course, which brings us to…

How much does an Master's course cost in Germany?
Master courses (e.g. MA, MSc, MEng etc.) are often offered without tuition fees, even for international students, provided they are 'consecutive' courses, which means the subject is the same as your Bachelor's degree. Non-consecutive Master’s degrees can cost upwards of €3,000.

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