Once you have done all the hard work of researching courses, getting accepted to a university, applying for a visa, and actually arriving in Germany, it is time to get to it and start studying. In this guide, we will offer ten tips for studying abroad in Germany. As well as study-related tips, we also have a few hints about German culture and how to enjoy yourself.
1. Academic quarter
The Akademisches Viertel (academic quarter) is a phrase used in reference to classes at Germany universities. The quarter refers to a quarter of an hour, i.e. 15 minutes. Classes with an akademisches Viertel actually start 15 minutes after the stated start time and end 15 minutes before the given end time. The times for these classes may feature the abbreviation c.t., which stands for cum tempore in Latin (with time) or no abbreviation at all. This extra time period gives students who are studying their German Master's or Bachelor's courses on a large campus enough time to reach their next class or to grab a snack or drink in between lectures.
If a lecture does not follow this rule, you are expected to arrive by the start time. These classes may feature the abbreviation s.t., which stands for sine tempore in Latin (without time). Make sure you are always aware of whether this extra time is included or not.
2. Punctuality
Pünktlichkeit (punctuality) is very important in Germany. It is simply good manners to be on time, after all. At universities, workplaces and in everyday life, people in Germany pride themselves on being on time wherever they go.
As an international student, being on time for classes, appointments and meeting friends will help you in your studies and while settling in to life in Germany. It is often recommended to even arrive five or ten minutes earlier than the planned time.
When you first arrive at the university, it may be a good idea to give yourself 20 minutes or more to make sure you get to classes on time. As you become more familiar with the layout of the campus and where you need to go, being pünktlich (punctual) will become easier.
3. Don’t be afraid of paperwork
You will have already done so much paperwork in preparation for studying in Germany, so you should be used to it by now. For all students and especially those from other countries, the paperwork requests continue while you are studying. Just as you may have received help from ewlative website with your paperwork for a blocked bank account or health insurance, you can usually find assistance with ongoing paperwork.
The International Office and Studentenwerk (student council) at your university can help with your understanding and completing of any paperwork that you may need to fill out. There is no need to worry about the paperwork, just consider it part of your life as an international student in Germany.
4. Choose German roommates
Students in Germany can choose from either the university's halls of residences, or dorms, and private accommodation. The first option tends to be cheaper, however, the supply of rooms may be limited and will need to be organized as soon as possible prior to arriving in Germany. The second option gives you more privacy and you don't have to follow the rules associated with being on university property.
Whichever type of accommodation you choose, having roommates is likely. As an international student, choosing a German roommate offers you many different benefits. You will start to learn German or improve your language skills.
5. Learn German
Learning German may have been a prerequisite for your degree course or you may be a complete beginner enrolled on an international degree course that doesn't require any German skills. Either way, learning some German while you are living in the country is beneficial for everyone.
In addition to reading paperwork, street signs and notices, being able to communicate with people is vital for a successful stay in a foreign country. From student friends to shop assistants, finding a part-time job to traveling around Germany, there are so many good reasons to learn some German. You can take a course, learn from a book, or study online.
To be continued....