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Section of Property-How to find the property

Finding your dream home in Germany can be difficult. This article will help you pinpoint what type of house will suit you and where to find it.
Most Germans live in apartments, especially in the larger cities. If you’re looking to live in a house, there are several types of residences in Germany:
Townhouse - Reihenhaus (RH), or Reihenendhaus (REH)
Semi-detached house - Doppelhaushälfte (DHH)
Freestanding house - Einfamilienhaus (EFH)
German houses and apartment buildings normally have cellars, so if you buy a flat you can use parts of the cellar as storage.
Some housing offers are still published in newspapers, but these days most properties are available on the web. If an ad states that the properties is von privat, this means that there are no agents involved and you will be dealing with the owner directly. Most housing advertisements, however, are managed by agents.
Always research the property you are considering buying carefully. A lot of the “bargains” that the real estate market offers often require costly renovations.

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