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The objects protected by German trademark registration include words, letters, numbers, graphics, sound, stereo, etc. Trademarks cannot be protected without registration.
When applying for a trademark design, it is necessary to provide the design that it wishes to be protected.
If the font in the character trademark is not commonly used by the patent office, such as the trademark of graphic design, or the trademark of combination and specified color, four drawings must be provided.
If color protection is required, the color must be specified in the application.
The registration of three-dimensional trademark requires four identical plane drawings. You may need up to six views of the logo from different angles (four for each).
Goods and services, goods and services must be filled in the order of classification; it is recommended to use the name in Nice classification alphabet. If not, you can also use the name commonly used in the industry. German must be used. If an explanation of the goods or services is required, the German Patent Office will notify the applicant and ask for an explanation. Once the application is submitted, no more goods or services can be added, but it can be reduced at any time. Applicants can specify a priority category. If the cost is not enough, this category will be given priority.
If the agent has a residence or business place in Germany, he can apply for registration directly in the patent office or the patent court in principle. If not, anyone (even a person with German nationality) must be represented by a patent agent or a lawyer. The power of attorney needs to be signed without notarization.
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