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EU member states agree to "blue card" plan

    European Commission officials said on the 22nd that representatives of EU Member States agreed to implement the "blue card" program in the EU on the same day to attract more technical talents to work in Europe. Reuters quoted an official of the European Commission as saying that the "blue card" plan will take effect 30 months after it is supported by ministers of Member States. Ministers are expected to approve the plan in the coming weeks.

      Last year, the European Commission recommended that all Member States issue work visa to immigrants. After applying for a work visa and obtaining a "blue card" in any EU member state, immigrants will be granted a single work and residence permit“ Blue card holders can work in 27 EU member states without applying for visas and work and residence permits.

     According to the plan, the "blue card" is valid for up to four years. The holders enjoy the same benefits as EU residents while working in the EU, and their families can also live in Europe.
     The European Commission compares the "blue card" with the "green card" of the United States, hoping that this plan can reduce the employment procedures, attract more foreign technical talents, and help the EU break through the bottleneck of talent shortage. The European Commission predicts that if the blue card program is implemented, it will attract at least 20 million technical talents from Asia, Africa and Latin America to work in EU countries in the next 20 years.

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