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German immigration

German immigrants are divided into investment immigrants, skilled immigrants and entrepreneurial immigrants.
       First of all, investment immigration means that the country allows overseas investors to apply for the nationality status of the country after investing in the country and operating legally for a certain period of time. German investment immigration: the lenient investment policy implemented in Germany on January 1, 2005 has opened a convenient door for many people to enter Germany. More and more investors enter Germany through investment. The most familiar one is real estate investment. In recent years, the real estate market in Germany is also quite active. In 2013, the real estate market in Germany is booming, There is no lack of Chinese investors with rich financial strength.

       Skilled migration is generally aimed at more international students. After studying in Germany, they master unique skills, work in Germany for a period of time, get rich remuneration, and hold a certain position in the company. It is also a good way to apply to immigrate to Germany, but it takes time.
       Entrepreneurial immigrants are also called business immigrants, which means to carry out overseas business. They are similar to investment immigrants, but different from investment immigrants. Entrepreneurial immigrants need to have a real company in Germany. After starting a company, the company needs to have a complete business plan, implement it according to the plan, and have financial records every month. Iccn Oak Park entrepreneurship settlement project in Germany is a good case.

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