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If you need urgent medical treatment at night or at the weekend, go to Notaufnahme (Accident and Emergency) in the nearest hospital or call an emergency doctor (Notarzt).
MORE>The basic idea of the Bauhaus teaching concept was the unity of artistic and practical tuition
MORE>Bauhaus: [Ger., lit. “architecture house”, from Bau = building (bauen=to build) + Haus = house.]
MORE>The healthcare system in Germany is highly-rated, with the Legatum Prosperity Index ranking it at 12th in the world
MORE>Germany is unusual in that it has a relatively low level of credit card usage compared to other European countries
MORE>Germans are known as the masters of planning. Their serious outlook on business makes them a proud, strong, individualistic nation and their business etiquette must be followed and respected.
MORE>The highest qualification in Germany is a doctorate.
MORE>There are various alternatives to the state school system in Germany. Although most aren’t strictly private as they rely on a certain level of government funding and often operate under the same rules as state schools.
MORE>In Germany, each state ( Land) develops its own education programme.....
MORE>Key factors when deciding between a state or a private school in Germany are the language(s) of tuition, the child’s age and your working hours
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